Research for Recorder

I checked out a Raspberry Pi B 3+ this week and tried to familiarize myself with it, but ended up not even being able to get OS loaded on to an SD card. There is a lengthy process where the SD card needs to be formatted in just such a way and it takes like 20-30 minutes each time and can fail right at the end :( I think that will be a viable option though at the B3+ has Wifi access, if I can get it to stream audio. Ideally the device would be able to save files straight to Google Drive.

I also investigated using iSpy which is security camera software, configurable for the home or office. It has the ability to take what appears to be web socket inputs and save those to the cloud. Here is a demo of that software (on my desktop Windows 7 machine at home).

Here is a list of web sites that I pulled up and saved in my research:

  • Getting Started with Raspberry Pi:

  • Recording Audio on a Raspberry Pi:

  • A USB Mic that could work with the Pi (I ordered one):

  • Record on Boot - Raspberry Pi:

Then I got on a kick thinking I could record straight to Google Drive via the command line on the Pi, so that took me down a rabbit hole. I’d have to make a dev acct with Google to get a secure key so that I didn’t have to log in to Google Drive each time, which also means that to use my NYU account, I’d need special keys. Here’s some links on that:

  • How To Upload To Google Drive from the Command Line:

  • Github repo on Google Drive CRL Client:

  • Setting up the proper authorization account for Google Drive (which i did):

  • And the Google Dev dashboard for my NYU acct:

  • Google Cloud Platform (NYU);errorUrl=%2Fhome%2Fdashboard%3Fauthuser

I also emailed back and forth with Tom Igoe on the matter. He pointed me in a few directions, like Chapter 10 of his book “Making Things Talk” as well as PhoneGap, as he suggested using a mobile phone to be the recorder. I though perhaps an old iPhone or iPod, since using one’s current mobile device would be tempting to be distracting in the moment of inspiration.