I'm interested in computation because it is a very powerful form of mathematics. The fact that its principles can be found in nature in the form of Fibonacci numbers, Mandalbrot fractcals, and the Golden Ratio make me want to understand how to use computation to bring things to life. I want to create living, evolving, and reactive programs that morph and change in engaging and transformative ways.
When it comes to music, I think computation is easily applicable, as all harmony is simply mathematical relationships between vibrations. But there is something interesting that happens when humans experience these relationships as sound, as it often produces an emotional response. All of my music (at least the best bits) are born purely out of an emotional reaction to a situation that I find myself in. Understanding computation will allow me to better shape these musical moments as well as add visual and interactive elements to the music - computation as another tool in the creative tool box.
I can imagine making a lot of visually reactive programs that take input from light or sound or drawings that constantly grow and change or are visually pleasing or stunning. But I am also curious to learn what else I can do with computation, what others are doing, as it could send me down a path I could not have known was there!
I am interested in style-trasnfer like the Glooby project did on a video I saw recently. Also MaxMSP, Super Collider, NIME topics, and Fabrication. I'd like to make a digital recorder and some other audio gadgets that I have been needing but never saw anyone offer.