Buchla 200e - Final Project

Buchla 200e

For my final project, I made a patch on the Buchla 200e that demonstrates some of the concepts we learned this semeseter. The modules that I used are as follows:

  • 222e - Multi Dimensional Kinesthetic Input

  • 251e - Quad Sequential Voltage Source

  • 266e - Source of Uncertainty

  • 256e - Quad Control Voltage Processor

  • 292e - Quad Dynamics Processor

  • 281e - Quad Function Generator

  • 261e - Complex Waveform Generator

  • 223e - Tactile Input Port Radio

  • 227e - System Interface (Quad Mixer)

The idea was to use the 251e sequencer module to trigger a bouncing octave sound with another oscillator layered over the top with some pitch movement tied to the kinesthetic keyboard mixed with some randomness. The result is mesmerizing and puzzling piece which would pair well with an interactive perfomance with projections that I have been brainstorming.

You can watch a demo video and see the final patch in detail below.

The final patch on the Buchla 200e.